In America we struggle with being overweight and obese. This is concerning for our self image and our mental health, as such a significant portion of our society has a stigma about being thin and fit. While it is important to look and feel our best concerning our weight, it is even more important for our health. Obesity is a major contributing factor to the failure of organs and wreaks havoc among the copacetic function of our bodies. Certain diseases are compounded greatly by being overweight. There are many schools of thought about why we as a nation are overweight be it poor diet, lack of education, lack of physical activity, genetic predisposition…and the list goes on. While the cause of a country with a weight problem is debatable the treatment doesn’t have to be. Dr. Redrick of Crystal River, Florida has designed a medical weight loss plan that has over 10 years of proven, clinical results. He tailors his weight loss plan to fit the goals, budget, and lifestyle of his patients.
At Citrus Medical Weight Loss patients begin their journey to wellness through weight loss by being evaluated and examined by specially trained staff and Dr. Redrick. After goals are determined, a medical weight loss plan is tailored to patients on an individual basis. Dr. Redrick’s original weight loss plan focuses on a low carb diet paired with pharmaceuticals and supplements that will encourage weight loss. Citrus Medical Weight Loss often runs a special for $399 for 12 weeks of medical weight loss. Within 12 weeks, our patients often meet their goals or exceed them.
Once an individual reaches a healthy weight, the body is relieved of extra strain and begins to function more normally. Often times, symptoms of certain ailments fade or disappear completely as a result of weight loss. Anyone who struggles with being overweight can reach out to Dr. Redrick for help. He often has same day appointments available and the program starts at as little as $29 per week. His office is located in Crystal River, Florida at 582 S.E. 7th Ave. For appointments call (352)564-8245 or reach out to us on Facebook. For more information, visit Dr. Scott Redrick’s website by clicking here.
